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尹宏鹏 教授/博导

发布时间:2021-05-12 09:37:05 阅读:













担任中国自动化学会青年工作委员会常务委员、中国自动化学会技术过程的故障诊断与安全性专业委员会委员、中国人工智能学会智能服务专委会委员、国家文物局安防消防专家组成员、中国人工智能教育联席会理事、重庆市人工智能学会理事家等多个学术任职,被Information Fusion、Expert Systems With Applications等多个国际期刊评为杰出审稿人。先后入选太阳成集团科研后备拔尖人才计划、重庆英才青年拔尖人才计划。


主持国家自然科学基金面上项目、青年基金、中国博士后基金、重庆市基础科学与前沿研究技术专项重点项目、重庆市自然科学基金面上项目、重点项目、重庆市博士后特别资助、重庆市教改项目等20多项国家及省部级高水平的教改和科研项目,参与完成多个国家科技攻关项目、国家科技重大专项配套装备等实际工程类项目。以第一作者或通信作者身份发表50余篇SCI/EI收录论文,其中包含多篇ESI高被引论文,单篇论文最高引用513次,被评为Information Fusion、Expert Systems With Applications等多个期刊杰出审稿人。申请发明专利40余项,其中以第一发明人授权发明专利12项。先后获重庆市科技进步一等奖、重庆市科技进步二等奖、中国自动化学会技术发明二等奖各一项。


[1] H. Zhou, H. Yin, Y. Li, Y. Chai, Multiview clustering via exclusive non-negative subspace learning and constraint propagation, Information Sciences, 552 (2021) 102-117.

[2] H. Ma, X. Han, P. Wu, H. Yin, A novel single-phase five-level hybrid rectifier using two active switches, Iet Power Electronics, 14 (2021) 158-168.

[3] G. Liao, H. Yin, M. Chen, Z. Lin, Remaining useful life prediction for multi-phase deteriorating process based on Wiener process, Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 207 (2021).

[4] Y. Li, Y. Chai, H. Zhou, H. Yin, A novel dimension reduction and dictionary learning framework for high-dimensional data classification, Pattern Recognition, 112 (2021).

[5] Y. Li, Y. Chai, H. Yin, B. Chen, A novel feature learning framework for high-dimensional data classification, International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics, 12 (2021) 555-569.

[6] C. Sun, H. Yin, Y. Liu and Y. Chai, "A novel rolling bearing vibration impulsive signals detection approach based on dictionary learning," in IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica, doi: 10.1109/JAS.2020.1003438.

[7] H. Zhou, H. Yin, H. Zheng, Y. Li, A survey on multi-modal social event detection, Knowledge-Based Systems, 195 (2020).

[8] 林景栋,吴欣怡,柴毅,尹宏鹏.卷积神经网络结构优化综述[J].自动化学报,2020,46(01):24-37.

[9] D. Zhao, H. Wang, H. Yin, Z. Yu, H. Li, Person re-identification by integrating metric learning and support vector machine, Signal Processing, 166 (2020).

[10] H. Yin, C. Liao, Y. Chai, Concept Drift Adaptation by Multi- stream Data Knowledge Transfer, 2020.

[11] J. Li, M. Li, G. Lu, B. Zhang, H. Yin, D. Zhang, Similarity and diversity induced paired projection for cross-modal retrieval, Information Sciences, 539 (2020) 215-228.

[12] T. Wu, S. Chen, H. Yin, T. Lin, P. Wu, Research on distributed data mining technology for clinical decision support, Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology, 125 (2019) 137-138.

[13] 柴毅,毛万标,任浩,屈剑锋,尹宏鹏. 航天发射系统运行安全性评估研究进展与挑战[J].自动化学报,2019,45(10):1829-1845.

[14] 李艳霞,柴毅,胡友强,尹宏鹏.不平衡数据分类方法综述[J].控制与决策,2019,34(04):673-688.

[15] Z. Zhu, H. Yin, Y. Chai, Y. Li, G. Qi, A novel multi-modality image fusion method based on image decomposition and sparse representation, Information Sciences, 432 (2018) 516-529.

[16] Z. Yang, Y. Chai, H. Yin, S. Tao, LPV Model Based Sensor Fault Diagnosis and Isolation for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator in Wind Energy Conversion Systems, Applied Sciences-Basel, 8 (2018).

[17] Z. Liu, Y. Chai, H. Yin, J. Zhou, Z. Zhu, A novel multi-focus image fusion approach based on image decomposition, Information Fusion, 35 (2017) 102-116.

[18] Z. Zhu, Y. Chai, H. Yin, Y. Li, Z. Liu, A novel dictionary learning approach for multi-modality medical image fusion, Neurocomputing, 214 (2016) 471-482.

[19] 尹宏鹏,陈波,柴毅,刘兆栋.基于视觉的目标检测与跟踪综述[J].自动化学报,2016,42(10):1466-1489.

[20] H. Yin, Y. Li, Y. Chai, Z. Liu, Z. Zhu, A novel sparse-representation-based multi-focus image fusion approach, Neurocomputing, 216 (2016) 216-229.

[21] H. Yin, Z. Liu, B. Fang, Y. Li, A novel image fusion approach based on compressive sensing, Optics Communications, 354 (2015) 299-313.

[22] H. Yin, X. Jiao, Y. Chai, B. Fang, Scene classification based on single-layer SAE and SVM, Expert Syst. Appl., 42 (2015) 3368-3380.

[23] Z. Liu, H. Yin, B. Fang, Y. Chai, A novel fusion scheme for visible and infrared images based on compressive sensing, Optics Communications, 335 (2015) 168-177.

[24] H. Yin, J. Li, Y. Chai, S.X. Yang, A survey on distributed compressed sensing: theory and applications, Frontiers of Computer Science, 8 (2014) 893-904.

[25] S. Xu, H. Yin, Y. Chai, Y. Xiong, X. Tan, An Improved Toeplitz Measurement Matrix for Compressive Sensing, International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, DOI 10.1155/2014/846757(2014).

[26] Z. Liu, H. Yin, Y. Chai, S.X. Yang, A novel approach for multimodal medical image fusion, Expert Syst. Appl., 41 (2014) 7425-7435.

[27] H. Yin, C. Peng, Y. Chai, Q. Fan, A ROBUST OBJECT TRACKING ALGORITHM BASED ON SURF AND KALMAN FILTER, Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing, 19 (2013) 567-579.

[28] 尹宏鹏,刘兆栋,柴毅,焦绪国.压缩感知综述[J].控制与决策,2013,28(10):1441-1445+1453.

[29] H. Li, Y. Chai, R. Ling, H. Yin, Multifocus Image Fusion Scheme Using Feature Contrast of Orientation Information Measure in Lifting Stationary Wavelet Domain, Journal of Information Science and Engineering, 29 (2013) 227-247.

[30] H. Yin, J. Yang, Y. Chai, S.X. Yang, AN IMPROVED MEAN-SHIFT TRACKING ALGORITHM USING PSO-BASED ADAPTIVE FEATURE SELECTION, Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing, 18 (2012) 647-657.

[31] S. Wei, Y. Chai, H. Yin, P. Li, Distributed Model Predictive Control of the Multi-agent Systems with Communication Distance Constraints, Advances in Swarm Intelligence, Icsi 2012, Pt I2012, pp. 592-601.

[32] H. Li, Y. Chai, H. Yin, G. Liu, Multifocus image fusion and denoising scheme based on homogeneity similarity, Optics Communications, 285 (2012) 91-100.

[33] H. Yin, Y. Chai, S.X. Yang, X. Yang, Fast-moving target tracking based on mean shift and frame-difference methods, Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics, 22 (2011) 587-592.

[34] J. Li, Y. Chai, P. Li, H. Yin, Multi-cellular-ant Algorithm for Large Scale Capacity Vehicle Route Problem, Advances in Swarm Intelligence, Pt I2011, pp. 260-266.

[35] H. Yin, Y. Chai, S.X. Yang, G.S. Mittal, Ripe Tomato Recognition and Localization for a Tomato Harvesting Robotic System, 2009.




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