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宋永端 教授/博导

发布时间:2021-06-09 15:29:02 阅读:

宋永端,教授/博导,IEEE/AAIA/CAA Fellow, 国际欧亚科学院院士,注册职业工程师(美国),美国教师名人录,中国自动化学会常务理事。现任太阳成集团人工智能研究院经理,IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems 主编(Editor-in-Chief),太阳成集团智慧工程研究院负责人。1992年获美国田纳西理工大学电气及计算机工程博士学位。获教育部/重庆市/中国自动化学会/中国控制与指挥学会等一等奖4项,二等奖2项。


1979-1983  四川大学,工学学士

1983-1986  太阳成集团,工学硕士

1987-1989  北京航空航天大学,博士研究生

1989-1990  University of Newcastle, Australia, 博士研究生

1990-1992  Tennessee Technological University, 博士


机器人及智能系统, 控制科学与工程






现任国际知名期刊IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems主编(Editor-in-Chief),中国科技期刊卓越行动计划高起点期刊Journal of Automation and Intelligence创刊主编,另外,宋教授现(曾)担任多部国际学术期刊Associate Editor,包括:

IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control

IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems

IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics: Systems

IEEE Transactions on Developmental and Cognitive Systems

IET Control Theory and Applications


先后主持国家科技部重点研发专项、国家自然科学基金、973 计划、863 计划等国家级科研 项目/课题 20 余项,取得系列重要理论创新和应用创新成果,分别发表于 IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Automatica, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics等控制及人工智能领域国际顶级期刊。宋教授创建了国际电气电子工程师学会 IEEE 重庆计算智能分会并担任首任主席,任中国自动化学会常务理事,重庆市智能物联网产业联盟技术委员会副主任,重庆市智能机器人联盟副理事长。培养了一批优秀青年人才,包括中组部青年拔尖人才,中国自动化学会优秀博士,重庆市优秀博士等10余人次。出版专著/教材12部,发表重要学术论文300余篇,授权中、美、日发明专利80余项。


(一) 专著

1. Yongduan Song, Control of Nonlinear Systems via PI/PD/PID--stability and performance, CRC Publisher, Taylor & Francisco, Inc. 2019

2. Jiangshuai Huang, and Yongduan Song, Distributed and Adaptive Fault-tolerant Control, CRC Publisher, Taylor & Francisco, Inc. 2018

3. Yongduan Song, and Yujuan Wang, Cooperative Control Nonlinear Networked Systems, Springer, 2018

4. Fanghong Guo, Changyun Wen, and Yongduan Song, Distributed Optimization on Smart Grid, Springer, 2017

5. 宋永端、赵凯等,非线性系统控制设计与分析,科学出版社,2022

6. 宋永端,人工智能基础及应用,清华大学出版社,2021

7. 宋永端、谢昭莉等,自动控制原理(I),机械工业出版社,2020

8. 宋永端、马铁东等,自动控制原理(II),机械工业出版社,2020

9. 宋永端,工业机器人系统及先进控制,科学出版社,2019

10. 王磊、宋永端,风电系统容错控制,科学出版社,2017

11. 宋永端、李鹏等,风力发电及控制系统,电子工业出版社,2012

12. 宋永端、李丹勇等, 移动机器人及其自主化技术,机械工业出版社,2011


1. Bowen Peng, Zhirong Zhang, and Yongduan Song*, “Dynamic coverage control for constrained mobile sensor networks,” IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, DOI: 10.1109/TAC.2023.3292172, 2023. (Full Paper)

2. Zhirong Zhang, Changyun Wen, Yongduan Song*, and Gang Feng, “Adaptive quantized output feedback control of nonlinear systems with mismatched uncertainties and sensor failures,” IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, DOI: 10.1109/TAC.2023.3292743, 2023.

3. Zhirong Zhang, Changyun Wen, Lantao Xing, and Yongduan Song*, “Event-Triggered adaptive control for a class of nonlinear systems with mismatched uncertainties via intermittent and faulty output feedback,” IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, DOI: 10.1109/TAC.2023.3287802, 2023.

4. Libei Sun, Xiucai Huang, and Yongduan Song*, “Decentralized intermittent feedback adaptive control of non-triangular nonlinear time-varying systems,” IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, DOI: 10.1109/TAC.2023.3282450, 2023.

5. Xiucai Huang, Changyun Wen, and Yongduan Song*, “Adaptive neural control for uncertain constrained pure feedback systems with severe sensor faults: A complexity reduced approach,” Automatica, 147, 110701, 2023.

6. Hefu Ye, and Yongduan Song*, “Prescribed-time tracking control of MIMO nonlinear systems under non-vanishing uncertainties,” IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 68, no. 6, pp. 3664-3671, 2023.

7. Xiucai Huang, and Yongduan Song*, “Distributed and performance guaranteed robust control for uncertain MIMO nonlinear systems with controllability relaxation,” IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 68, no. 4, pp. 2460-2467, 2023.

8. Zhirong Zhang, Changyun Wen, Lantao Xing, and Yongduan Song*, “Adaptive event-triggered control of uncertain nonlinear systems using intermittent output only,” IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 67, no. 8, pp. 4218-4225, 2022.

9. Zhirong Zhang, Changyun Wen, Lantao Xing, and Yongduan Song, “Adaptive output feedback control of nonlinear systems with mismatched uncertainties under input/output quantization,” IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 67, no. 9, pp. 4801-4808, 2022.

10. Libei Sun, Xiucai Huang, and Yongduan Song*, “Distributed event-triggered control of networked strict-feedback systems via intermittent state feedback,” IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, DOI: 10.1109/TAC.2022.3217914, 2022.

11. Zhirong Zhang, Changyun Wen, Kai Zhao, and Yongduan Song*, “Decentralized adaptive control of uncertain interconnected systems with triggering state signals,” Automatica, vol. 141, 110283, 2022.

12. Xiucai Huang*, and Yongduan Song, “Comments on “tracking performance guarantees in the presence of quantization for uncertain nonlinear systems”,” IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 67, no. 6, pp. 3223-3225, 2022.

13. Kai Zhao, Yongduan Song*, C. L. Philip Chen, and Long Chen, “Adaptive asymptotic tracking with global performance for nonlinear systems with unknown control directions,” IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 67, no. 3, pp. 1566-1573, 2022.

14. Ye Cao, Jianfu Cao, and Yongduan Song*, “Practical prescribed time tracking control over infinite time interval involving mismatched uncertainties and non-vanishing disturbances,” Automatica, vol. 136, pp. 110050, 2022.

15. Gang Chen*, Qing Yang, Yongduan Song, and Frank L. Lewis, “Fixed-time projection algorithm for distributed constrained optimization on time-varying digraphs,” IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 67, no. 1, pp. 390-397, 2022.

16. Zhirong Zhang, Yongduan Song*, and Changyun Wen, “Adaptive decentralized output-feedback control dealing with static/dynamic interactions and different unknown subsystem control directions,” IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 66, no. 8, pp. 3818-3824, 2021.

17. Jie Mei*, Wei Ren, and Yongduan Song, “A unified framework for adaptive leaderless consensus of uncertain multiagent systems under directed graphs,” IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 66, no. 12, pp. 6179- 6186, 2021.

18. Cao, Shida, Rui Li*, Yingjing Shi, and Yongduan Song, “Safe convex-circumnavigation of one agent around multiple targets using bearing-only measurements,” Automatica, vol. 134, 109934, 2021.

19. Xiucai Huang, Yongduan Song*, and Changyun Wen, “Output feedback control for constrained pure-feedback systems: A non-recursive and transformational observer based approach,” Automatica, vol.113, 108789, 2020.

20. Kai Zhao, Yongduan Song*, and C. L. Philip Chen, “Control of nonlinear systems under dynamic constraints: a unified barrier function-based approach,” Automatica, vol. 119, 109102, 2020.

21. Gang Chen*, Qing Yang, Yongduan Song, and Frank L. Lewis, “A distributed continuous-time algorithm for nonsmooth constrained optimization,” IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 65, no. 11, pp. 4914-4921, 2020.

22. Kai Zhao and Yongduan Song*, “Removing the feasibility conditions imposed on tracking control designs for state-constrained strict-feedback systems,” IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 64, no. 3, pp. 1265-1272, 2019.

23. Kai Zhao, Yongduan Song*, and Zhirong Zhang, “Tracking control of MIMO nonlinear systems under full state constraints: A single-parameter adaptation approach free from feasibility conditions,” Automatica, vol. 107, pp. 52-60, 2019.

24. Xiucai Huang, Hassan K. Khalil, and Yongduan Song*, “Regulation of nonminimum-phase nonlinear systems using slow integrators and high-gain feedback,” IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 64, no. 2, pp 640-653, 2019. (Full paper)

25. Ye Cao, Yongduan Song*, and Changyun Wen, “Practical tracking control of perturbed uncertain nonaffine systems with full state constraints,” Automatica, vol. 110, 108608, 2019.

26. Yujuan Wang* and Yongduan Song, “A general approach to precise tracking of nonlinear systems subject to non-vanishing uncertainties,” Automatica, vol. 106, pp. 306-314, 2019.

27. Xiaojie Su*, Xinxin Liu, Peng Shi, and Yongduan Song, “Sliding mode control of hybrid switched systems via an event-triggered mechanism,” Automatica, vol. 90, pp. 294-303, 2018.

28. Rui Li*, Yingjing Shi, and Yongduan Song, “Localization and circumnavigation of multiple agents along an unknown target based on bearing-only measurement: A three dimensional solution,” Automatica, vol. 94, pp. 18-25, 2018.

29. Shan Zuo*, Yongduan Song, F. L. Lewis, and A. Davoudi, “Adaptive output containment control of heterogeneous multi-agent systems with unknown leaders,” Automatica, vol. 92, pp. 235-239, 2018.

30. Yongduan Song* and Shuyan Zhou, “Tracking control of uncertain nonlinear systems with deferred asymmetric time-varying full state constraints,” Automatica, vol. 98, pp. 314-322, 2018.

31. Yujuan Wang* and Yongduan Song, “Leader-following control of high-order multi-agent systems under directed graphs: pre-specified finite time approach,” Automatica, vol. 87, pp. 113-120, 2018.

32. Peng Wang, Peng Lin*, Wei Ren, and Yongduan Song, “Distributed subgradient-based multiagent optimization with more general step sizes,” IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 63, no. 7, pp. 2295-2302, 2018.

33. Yongduan Song*, Kai Zhao, and Miroslav Krstic, “Adaptive control with exponential regulation in the absence of persistent excitation,” IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 62, no. 5, pp 2589-2596, 2017.

34. Yongduan Song*, Yujuan Wang, and Changyun Wen, “Adaptive fault-tolerant PI tracking control with guaranteed transient and steady-state performance,” IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 62, no. 1, pp. 481-487, 2017.

35. Yongduan Song*, Yujuan Wang, John Holloway, and Miroslav Krstic, “Time-varying feedback for regulation of normal-form nonlinear systems in prescribed finite time,” Automatica, vol. 83, pp. 243-251, 2017.

36. Yongduan Song*, Beibei Zhang, and Kai Zhao, “Indirect neuroadaptive control of unknown MIMO systems tracking uncertain target under sensor failures,” Automatica, vol. 77, pp. 103-111, 2017.

37. Jiangshuai Huang*, Yongduan Song, Wei Wang, Changyun Wen, and Guoqi Li, “Smooth control design for adaptive leader-following consensus control of a class of high-order nonlinear systems with time-varying reference,” Automatica, vol. 83, pp. 361-367, 2017.

38. Fanghong Guo*, Changyun Wen, Jianfeng Mao, Guoqi Li, and Yongduan Song, “A distributed hierarchical algorithm for multi-cluster constrained optimization,” Automatica, vol. 77, pp. 230-238, 2017.

39. Sheida Ghapania, Wei Ren, Fei Chen, and Yongduan Song*, “Distributed average tracking for double-integrator multi-agent systems with reduced requirement on velocity measurements,” Automatica, vol. 81, pp. 1-7, 2017.

40. Yongduan Song*, Xiucai Huang, and Changyun Wen, “Tracking control for a class of unknown nonsquare MIMO nonaffine systems: A deep-rooted information based robust adaptive approach,” IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 61, no. 10, pp 3227-3233, 2016.

41. Frank L. Lewis, Bing Cui, Tiedong Ma, Yongduan Song*, and Chunhui Zhao, “Heterogeneous multi-agent systems: reduced-order synchronization and geometry,” IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 61, no. 5, pp 1391-1396, 2016.

42. Xiaojie Su, Peng Shi, Ligang Wu, and Yongduan Song*, “Fault detection filtering for nonlinear switched stochastic systems,” IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 61, no. 5, pp 1310-1315, 2016.

43. Sheida Ghapani, Jie Mei, Wei Ren, and Yongduan Song*, “Fully distributed flocking with a moving leader for Lagrange networks with parametric uncertainties,” Automatica, vol. 67, pp. 67-76, 2016.

44. Peng Lin, Wei Ren, and Yongduan Song*, “Distributed multi-agent optimization subject to nonidentical constraints and communication delays,” Automatica, vol. 65, pp. 120-131, 2016.

45. Yujuan Wang, Yongduan Song*, Miroslav Krstic, and Changyun Wen, “Fault-tolerant finite time consensus for multiple uncertain nonlinear mechanical systems under single-way directed communication interactions and actuation failures,” Automatica, vol. 63, pp. 374-383, 2016.

46. Jiangshuai Huang*, Changyun Wen, Wei Wang, and Yongduan Song, “Design of adaptive finite-time controllers for nonlinear uncertain systems based on given transient specifications,” Automatica, vol. 69, pp. 395-404, 2016.

47. Jiangshuai Huang, Changyun Wen, Wei Wang*, and Yongduan Song, “Adaptive finite-time consensus control of a group of uncertain nonlinear mechanical systems,” Automatica, vol. 51, pp. 292-301, 2015.

48. Xiaojie Su*, Ligang Wu, Peng Shi, and Yongduan Song, “A novel approach to output feedback control of fuzzy stochastic systems,” Automatica, vol. 50, no. 12, pp. 3268-3275, 2014.

49. Yongduan Song*, T. Mitchell, and Y. H. Lai, “Control of a class of nonlinear uncertain systems via compensated inverse dynamics approach,” IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 39, no. 9, pp. 1866-1871, 1994.

50. Yongduan Song* and R. H. Middleton, “Dealing with time-varying parameter problem of robot manipulators performing path tracking Tasks,” IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 37, no. 10, pp. 1597-1601, 1992.




上一条:赵凯 教授/博导 下一条:孙跃 教授/博导

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