
李睿 助理研究员

发布时间:2017-05-03 09:40:22 阅读:

李睿,博士,助理研究员,目前担任IEEE 机器人与自动化学会(RAS)机器人手、抓取与操作技术委员会委员、中国留德学者计算机学会(GCI)机器人专业委员会委员、IEEE SMC重庆分会创始成员。2018年获中国科学院大学控制理论与控制工程专业博士学位。


2009-2013  电子科技大学,工学学士

2013-2018  中国科学院大学/中国科学院自动化研究所, 工学博士

2018-2020  慕尼黑工业大学,访问学者







担任IEEE 机器人与自动化学会(RAS)机器人手、抓取与操作技术委员会委员、中国留德学者计算机学会(GCI)机器人专业委员会委员、IEEE SMC重庆分会创始成员。曾获国家留学基金委中德交流项目资助。

曾任国际SCI学术期刊Assembly Automation编辑助理,并为IEEE机器人领域一系列期刊及会议担任资深审稿人,包括:IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering

IEEE Transactions on Industrial ElectronicsIEEE/ASME Transactions on MechatronicsIEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)


2022年担任IEEE Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE 2022) Brain-Inspired Control and Learning for Robotics and Automation”分论坛联合主席、IEEE Conference on Advanced Robotics and Mechatronics (ARM 2022) Robotic Intelligence in Complex Environments”分论坛联合主席、2017年曾任13th IEEE Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE 2017) 分论坛联合主席,组织“传感、运动与环境融合的机器人操作”专题论坛


先后主持国家留学基金委中德交流项目、中国博士后科学基金面上资助项目、国家自然科学基金委青年基金等国家级科研项目,参与欧盟“人脑计划”、科技部重点研发计划、国家自然科学基金中德合作项目、广东省重点领域研发计划项目等重点、重大课题。针对环境约束下的机器人灵巧操作与触感反馈融合问题进行了一系列探索。相关成果发表在IEEE/ASME Transactions on MechatronicsAssembly Automation等国际SCI期刊上。指导员工包括太阳成集团UC公司学业实习、SRTP项目、校机器人队等多种项目形式。发表学术论文近30篇,授权专利4项。


  • Qiao H., Ma      C., Li      R., ‘The Concept of Attractive Region in Environment      (ARIE) and Its Application in High-Precision Tasks with Low-Precision      Systems’. In book ‘The Hand-eye-brain System of Intelligent Robot’.      Research on Intelligent Manufacturing. Springer, Singapore.

  • R. Li, Z. S. Bing, Q. Qi. ‚      ‘Learning a form-closure grasping with attractive region in environment ‘      in book ‘Tactile Sensing, Skill Learning, and Robotic Dexterous      Manipulation (1st edition)’ ,      Elsevier, 2022.


  • R. Li,      Y. L. Li, X. J. Su, ‘A two-step method for 4-pin form-closure gripper with      grasping force optimization’, Asian Journal of Control, 2021, 23,      2079–2086.

  • R. Li and H. Qiao, ‘A      Survey of Methods and Strategies for High-Precision Robotic Grasping and      Assembly Tasks—Some New Trends,’ IEEE/ASME      Transactions on Mechatronics: 2019, 24(6), 2718-2732.

  • Wang, Z., Zou, L., Su, X., Luo, G., Li, R., and Huang, Y.      Hybrid force/position control in workspace of robotic manipulator in      uncertain environments based on adaptive fuzzy control. Robotics and      Autonomous Systems, 2021, 145, 103870.

  • Wang, C., Li,      R., Su, X., and Shi, P. Output Feedback Sliding Mode      Control of Markovian Jump Systems and Its Application to Switched Boost      Converter. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers,      2021, 68, 5134–5144.

  • Su, J., Liu, C., and Li, R., Robot Precision      Assembly Combining with Passive and Active Compliant Motions. IEEE      Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2021, 1–1.

  • Y. L. Li, L. H. Jia, Y. D. Ji, R. Li and      H. Qiao, ‘Event-triggered guaranteed cost control of time-varying delayed      fuzzy systems with limited communication,’ Measurement and Control:      2020.

  • X. Q. Li, Y. Qian, R. Li, X. Y.      Niu, and H. Qiao, ‘Robust form-closure grasp planning for 4-pin gripper      using learning-based Attractive Region in Environment,’ Neurocomputing:      2020, 384, 268-281.

  • R. Li and H. Qiao,      ‘Condition and Strategy Analysis for Assembly based on Attractive Region      in Environment,’ IEEE/ASME      Transactions on Mechatronics: 2017, 22(5), 2218–2228.

  • R. Li, W. Wu, H. Qiao,      ‘The compliance of robotic hands–from functionality to mechanism,’ Assembly Automation:      2015, 35(3), 281–286.

  • H. Qiao, M. Wang, J.H. Su, S.X. Jia and R. Li, ‘The      Concept of Attractive Region in Environment and its Application in      High-Precision Tasks With Low-Precision Systems,’ IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics: 2015,      20(5), 2311–2327.

  • H. Qiao, C. Ma, R. Li, X.Q. Li,      Z.Y. Chen, W. Wu and L. J. Xu, ‘Simple coarse sensing to achieve high      precision From attractive region in environment to constrained region in      environment,’ Systems Science & Control      Engineering: 2017, 5(1), 16–24.

  • C. Ma, H. Qiao, R. Li and      X.Q. Li, ‘Flexible robotic grasping strategy with constrained region in      environment,’ International      Journal of Automation and Computing: 2017, 14(5), 552-563.

  • W.J. Zhu, P. Wang, R. Li and      X.L. Nie, ‘Real-time 3D work-piece tracking with monocular camera based on      static and dynamic model libraries,’ Assembly Automation: 2017, 37(2),      219–229.

  • J.H. Su, R. Li, H. Qiao, J. Xu, Q.L. Ai and      J.K. Zhu, ‘Study on Dual Peg-in-hole Insertion using of Con- straints      Formed in the Environment,’ Industrial      Robot: An International Journal: 2017, 44(6), 730–740.

  • H. Qiao, C. Ma and R. Li,      ‘Compliant robotic manipulation: A neurobiologic strategy,’ Brain-inspired      intelligent robotics: The      intersection of robotics and neuroscience (Science/AAAS,      Washington, DC): 2016, 47–50.


  • R. Li, Y. B. Hu, and Y. J.      Cao, ‘A Framework for the Integration of Coarse Sensing Information and      Environmental Constraints,’ 29th      IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication      (Ro-Man 2020): 2020.

  • Y.      Cao, C. Yang, R. Li, A. Knoll and G. Beltrame, ”Accurate position      tracking with a single UWB anchor,” 2020 IEEE International Conference      on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 31 May–31 Aug, 2020, pp. 2344–2350.

  • W. Pan, R.      Li, and T. Bock, ‘Design and Synthesis of the Localization      System for the On-site Construction Robot,’ Proceedings of the 37th      International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC):      2020, 1501-1507.

  • X.Q. Li, R. Li, H. Qiao, C. Ma and L. Li,      ‘Human-Inspired Compliant Strategy for Peg-in-Hole Assem- bly Using      Environmental Constraint and Coarse Force Information,’ 2017 30th IEEE/RSJ International Conference on      Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 24-28 Sep 2017, pp.      4743–4748.

  • Z.Y. Chen, R. Li, C. Ma, X.Q. Li, X. Wang and      K.G. Zeng, ‘3D vision based fast badminton localization with prediction      and error elimination for badminton robot,’ 2016 12th World Congress on      Intelligent Control and Automation (WCICA), 12-15 June 2016,      pp. 3050–3055.

  • X.Q. Li, H. Qiao, C. Ma, R. Li and      K.G. Zeng, ‘A dynamical compliant grasping strategy for dexterous robotic      hands with cushioning mechanism,’ 2016      12th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation (WCICA),      12-15 June 2016, pp. 2204–2208.


  • H. Qiao, R. Li, P.J. Yin, ‘Robotics and      Automation Activities in China [Industrial Activities],’ IEEE Robotics & Automation      Magazine: 2017, 22(3), 14–17.

  • H. Qiao, P.J. Yin and R. Li, ‘What is      the Meaning for the Interdisciplinary Research of Robot and Neuroscience?      Thoughts on the Future Development of Intelligent Robot [in      Chinese],’ Bulletin      of Chinese Academy of Sciences: 2015(6), 762–771.





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