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Time of publication:2022-03-29   Number of views:

Yin, Hongpeng, Professor/ph.d. Supervisor, Associate Dean of College of Automation, Chongqing University, China.

He is currently the Assistant of Key Laboratory of Safety and Control for Complex Systems, Ministry of Education. He has presided over more than 20 projects, such as the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the National Science Foundation for Young Scientists of China etc. He is a member of the Scientific Research Reserve Program of Chongqing University and the Chongqing Young Talent Program. Prof. Yin has published more than 50SCI/EI papers, including many highly cited ESI papers, and held 12patents. He has been awarded Outstanding Reviewer by journals of Information Fusion, Expert Systems With Applications etc.

As a scientific leader in the field of pattern recognition, computer vision and fault diagnosis, he has been serving on various national and international technical committees. Prof. Yin has won the first prize of Chongqing Science and Technology Progress Award, the second prize of Chongqing Science and Technology Progress Award, and the second prize of Chinese Association of Automation Technology Invention Award.

Contact Information

Email: yinhongpeng@gmail.com

Address:Shazheng Street174#, Shapingba District,Chongqing, 400044,China


Ph.D., (Control Theory and Control Engineering), Chongqing University, P. R. China, 2009.

B.S., (C.E.),  Chongqing University, P. R. China, 2003.

Academic Experience

Professor, 9/2017- present, Chongqing University, Chongqing, P. R. China

Associate Professor, 9/2010-8/2017, Chongqing University, Chongqing, P. R. China

Visiting Scholar, 1/20081/2009, The University of Guelph, Canada

Lecturer, 9/2009– 8/2010, Chongqing University, Chongqing, P. R. China

Research Interests

Pattern Recognition

Computer Vision

Fault Diagnosis

Publications--Referred Journal Papers (selected)

[1] H. Zhou, H. Yin, Y. Li, Y. Chai, Multiview clustering via exclusive non-negative subspace learning and constraint propagation, Information Sciences, 552 (2021) 102-117.

[2] H. Ma, X. Han, P. Wu, H. Yin, A novel single-phase five-level hybrid rectifier using two active switches, Iet Power Electronics, 14 (2021) 158-168.

[3] G. Liao, H. Yin, M. Chen, Z. Lin, Remaining useful life prediction for multi-phase deteriorating process based on Wiener process, Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 207 (2021).

[4] Y. Li, Y. Chai, H. Zhou, H. Yin, A novel dimension reduction and dictionary learning framework for high-dimensional data classification, Pattern Recognition, 112 (2021).

[5] Y. Li, Y. Chai, H. Yin, B. Chen, A novel feature learning framework for high-dimensional data classification, International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics, 12 (2021) 555-569.

[6] C. Sun, H. Yin, Y. Liu and Y. Chai, "A novel rolling bearing vibration impulsive signals detection approach based on dictionary learning," in IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica, doi: 10.1109/JAS.2020.1003438.

[7] H. Zhou, H. Yin, H. Zheng, Y. Li, A survey on multi-modal social event detection, Knowledge-Based Systems, 195 (2020).

[8] 林景栋,吴欣怡,柴毅,尹宏鹏.卷积神经网络结构优化综述[J].自动化学报,2020,46(01):24-37.

[9] D. Zhao, H. Wang, H. Yin, Z. Yu, H. Li, Person re-identification by integrating metric learning and support vector machine, Signal Processing, 166 (2020).

[10] H. Yin, C. Liao, Y. Chai, Concept Drift Adaptation by Multi- stream Data Knowledge Transfer, 2020.

[11] J. Li, M. Li, G. Lu, B. Zhang, H. Yin, D. Zhang, Similarity and diversity induced paired projection for cross-modal retrieval, Information Sciences, 539 (2020) 215-228.

[12] T. Wu, S. Chen, H. Yin, T. Lin, P. Wu, Research on distributed data mining technology for clinical decision support, Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology, 125 (2019) 137-138.

[13] 柴毅,毛万标,任浩,屈剑锋,尹宏鹏. 航天发射系统运行安全性评估研究进展与挑战[J].自动化学报,2019,45(10):1829-1845.

[14] 李艳霞,柴毅,胡友强,尹宏鹏.不平衡数据分类方法综述[J].控制与决策,2019,34(04):673-688.

[15] Z. Zhu, H. Yin, Y. Chai, Y. Li, G. Qi, A novel multi-modality image fusion method based on image decomposition and sparse representation, Information Sciences, 432 (2018) 516-529.

[16] Z. Yang, Y. Chai, H. Yin, S. Tao, LPV Model Based Sensor Fault Diagnosis and Isolation for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator in Wind Energy Conversion Systems, Applied Sciences-Basel, 8 (2018).

[17] Z. Liu, Y. Chai, H. Yin, J. Zhou, Z. Zhu, A novel multi-focus image fusion approach based on image decomposition, Information Fusion, 35 (2017) 102-116.

[18] Z. Zhu, Y. Chai, H. Yin, Y. Li, Z. Liu, A novel dictionary learning approach for multi-modality medical image fusion, Neurocomputing, 214 (2016) 471-482.

[19] 尹宏鹏,陈波,柴毅,刘兆栋.基于视觉的目标检测与跟踪综述[J].自动化学报,2016,42(10):1466-1489.

[20] H. Yin, Y. Li, Y. Chai, Z. Liu, Z. Zhu, A novel sparse-representation-based multi-focus image fusion approach, Neurocomputing, 216 (2016) 216-229.

[21] H. Yin, Z. Liu, B. Fang, Y. Li, A novel image fusion approach based on compressive sensing, Optics Communications, 354 (2015) 299-313.

[22] H. Yin, X. Jiao, Y. Chai, B. Fang, Scene classification based on single-layer SAE and SVM, Expert Syst. Appl., 42 (2015) 3368-3380.

[23] Z. Liu, H. Yin, B. Fang, Y. Chai, A novel fusion scheme for visible and infrared images based on compressive sensing, Optics Communications, 335 (2015) 168-177.

[24] H. Yin, J. Li, Y. Chai, S.X. Yang, A survey on distributed compressed sensing: theory and applications, Frontiers of Computer Science, 8 (2014) 893-904.

[25] S. Xu, H. Yin, Y. Chai, Y. Xiong, X. Tan, An Improved Toeplitz Measurement Matrix for Compressive Sensing, International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, DOI 10.1155/2014/846757(2014).

[26] Z. Liu, H. Yin, Y. Chai, S.X. Yang, A novel approach for multimodal medical image fusion, Expert Syst. Appl., 41 (2014) 7425-7435.

[27] H. Yin, C. Peng, Y. Chai, Q. Fan, A ROBUST OBJECT TRACKING ALGORITHM BASED ON SURF AND KALMAN FILTER, Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing, 19 (2013) 567-579.

[28] 尹宏鹏,刘兆栋,柴毅,焦绪国.压缩感知综述[J].控制与决策,2013,28(10):1441-1445+1453.

[29] H. Li, Y. Chai, R. Ling, H. Yin, Multifocus Image Fusion Scheme Using Feature Contrast of Orientation Information Measure in Lifting Stationary Wavelet Domain, Journal of Information Science and Engineering, 29 (2013) 227-247.

[30] H. Yin, J. Yang, Y. Chai, S.X. Yang, AN IMPROVED MEAN-SHIFT TRACKING ALGORITHM USING PSO-BASED ADAPTIVE FEATURE SELECTION, Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing, 18 (2012) 647-657.

[31] S. Wei, Y. Chai, H. Yin, P. Li, Distributed Model Predictive Control of the Multi-agent Systems with Communication Distance Constraints, Advances in Swarm Intelligence, Icsi 2012, Pt I2012, pp. 592-601.

[32] H. Li, Y. Chai, H. Yin, G. Liu, Multifocus image fusion and denoising scheme based on homogeneity similarity, Optics Communications, 285 (2012) 91-100.

[33] H. Yin, Y. Chai, S.X. Yang, X. Yang, Fast-moving target tracking based on mean shift and frame-difference methods, Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics, 22 (2011) 587-592.

[34] J. Li, Y. Chai, P. Li, H. Yin, Multi-cellular-ant Algorithm for Large Scale Capacity Vehicle Route Problem, Advances in Swarm Intelligence, Pt I2011, pp. 260-266.